UIC transcends globally, strengthens ties with ASEAN universities

Shyreen Balajediong

The Collegiate Immaculate
3 min readJan 25, 2021


Despite the current situation, the university has been firm with its goal of broadening global network as different virtual events are taking on in collaboration with neighboring countries.

Exploring beyond bounds, the University of the Immaculate Conception (UIC) initiated a virtual meet and greet event entitled, “Connect Asia: Collaboration across ASIAN Nations 2021” via Zoom on January 11 in partnership with different Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) universities which aims to build strong connections among Asian countries.

In line with its goal of promoting international linkage, the event became an avenue for profound discussions about cultural diversity and real-life experiences of the students in the time of global health crisis.

The online interaction paved the way in enhancing youth engagement and bridging significant connections among students from various Asian countries as they cooperatively exchanged individual standpoints about life and culture.

Dorotea Jane Galorio, BS-Pharmacy student and the Omicron Chapter Vice Governor-Internal, shared her experience during the virtual meet and greet, “It was fun and memorable because I gained new friends and got the chance to know more about the culture, tradition, and belief of the students from other countries. We also shared the same sentiments as we talked about our experiences and ideas about Covid-19 and Online Distance Learning (ODL).”

Furthermore, the international relation continues as UIC will be hosting the first-ever Asian University Virtual Friendship Games (AUniVFG) on January 30-February 6, 2021 via Zoom and Facebook Live Stream with the theme, “Journeying together to foster camaraderie among students in building a resilient higher education institution through friendly virtual competitions.” This event is initiated and organized by the University Student Government (USG) of UIC and Office of Student Affairs and Discipline (OSAD) with the assistance and connection of the Office of Culture and Arts/Sports to bring together 13 Asian universities which intend to promote camaraderie and sportsmanship among students across the region.

Different exciting contests are to be expected during the AUniVFG showcasing the pure talents, rich culture, and creativity of the ASEAN students that will soon rock the online world. This includes eSPORTS competition, eNVIRONMENTAL competition, eCOOLTURA competition, eLITERARY competition, eDANCE competition, and one special event, the Ambassador and Ambassadress of Goodwill.

“The beauty of AUniVFG lies in the various competitions that students of distinct universities can participate in. One of the stirring activities is the debate competition where we can marvel at the intellectual discourse between students of different nationalities as they debate about relevant issues that cut through national barriers,” Karl Kirby Costales, Vice-Mayor of the UIC Debating Society Club (UIC-DebSoc) as he stressed the significance of AUniVFG in engaging with global disputes.

“AUniVFG recognizes the inherent diversity of the Asian community. Through these different events, we could observe varying perspectives and different cultural lenses form a connection,” he added.

Among the participating ASEAN universities are Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, and Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University in Indonesia.

Also, the universities in Malaysia including Management & Science University, University of Malaya, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, and Universiti Malaya Sabah.

Universities from Taiwan are also joining the event which includes Fu Jen Catholic University and National Quemoy University. The University of Saint Joseph in Macau, Catholic University of Korea in South Korea, and University of the Immaculate Conception in Philippines will also be part of the said virtual event.

The feat of the Asian games is to be made possible through the collective efforts and hard work of the different people, clubs, and offices behind the preparation of the upcoming virtual competition. This encompasses the USG-Executive Board, Creative Team, and Legislative Body headed by Charles Andre Nieves and the incessant support of OSAD spearheaded by Mrs. Anaflor Sacopayo.

Moreover, the guidance of Mr. Rene Babiera II, coordinator of Bachelor of Physical Education (BPE)/Culture and Arts/Sports, and the help of Dr. Jo-ann Solomon, the Vice-President for Academics.

As well as the assistance and support of all Academic Clubs and Non-Academic Clubs of UIC and partnered Asian universities.



The Collegiate Immaculate
The Collegiate Immaculate

Written by The Collegiate Immaculate

The Official Student Publication of the University of the Immaculate Conception

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